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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3098

Okada Yaichiro and Uyemura Mitsuo; [Studies on the Thermophilous Animals in the Hot Springs of Japan. XXVI. The Thermophilous Fauna of certain Hot Springs in Ibusuki Distinct, Kagosima-ken]. Jap.J.Limnol. 9(2):90-97, 1939


In File


1. During 13th to 15th in October of the last year, we made the biological surveys in the hot springs of Ibusuki distinct. 2. The water temperature varies from 33 to 67 degrees C and the pH ranges between 5.6 to 7.4. 3. Forty-six species of various groups of animals were secured in the hot springs ranging from 33-55 degrees C of water temperature and the pH of 5.6 and 7.4. 4. Among these species, we found four newly recorded species such as Glaucoma pyriformis Muller, Vorticella campanula Ehrenberg, Sternolophus rupifes Fabricius and Gobius giurinus Rutter. 5. Two species, Frontonia sp. and Euplotes patella Ehrenberg, occurring in the hot springs in Italy described by Issel, also existed in the hot springs investigated. 6. It is rather worthy to note that Nassula sp., Blepharostoma elongata Uyemura and Cyclidium glaucoma Muller live in the thermal water as high as 55 degrees C of water temperature.