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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3083

Sudzuki Minoru; The Rotifera from Singapore and Taiwan. Proc.Jap.Soc.Syst.Zool. 43:1-34, 1991


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Some 120 taxa are reported from Singapore, of which seven were new, as already described by Sudzuki (1989) (Anuraeopsis lata singapurensis, Brachionus angularis murphyi, B. a. orentalis, B. caudatus singapurensis, B. urecolaris semicircularis, Macrochaetus hauerianus singapurensis, Dicranophorus tripleuchanoides), and three are described as new in this paper (Lecane signifera glandulosa, Macrosignifera longisetus, M. sericus coniunctius). About 50 are recorded from Singapore and Malaysia for the first time. This is in striking contrast to Taiwan, from where about 80 taxa are reported, of which only one was new (Anuraeopsis coelata kehjengi) and 46 are new records. Nearly all kinds of formae hithero recorded have appeared in one and the same water area, at least in Brachionus calyciflorus, B. forficula, B. quadridentatus and Keratella valga tropica. While, Synchaeta, Asplanchna (s. str.) and Ploesoma did not occur in Singapore, Tetramastix and Parafilinia in Taiwan so far surveyed. A species, camasecla should be treated under the genus Parafilinia distinct from Filinia on the basis of its morphology and ethology (egg-carrying behaviour), as mentioned in Sudzuki (1989).