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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3079

Sudzuki Minoru; [An Analysis of Colonization in Freshwater Microorganisms. I. Colonization at 17 Stations along the 5 Lakes of the Mt. Fuji]. Zoological Magazine (Dobutsugaku Zasshi) 80(6):191-201, 1971


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The individual densities of the community in 1.0 ml interstitial water at 17 sampling stations, each with 3 habitats at 6 localities, varied between 358-81, 695 with the highest density at the littoral region of Lake Yamanaka and the lowest at the gravel area of Lake Motosu. In every case the most abundant class was Flagellata, followed by Ciliata. The population of Rhizopoda, Gastrotricha, Rotatoria and Nematoda was, without exception, richest in the mosses, and that of Ciliata was richest in the gravels. The composition of 330 species is: Rotatoria 40.1%, Ciliata 23.1%, Rhizopoda 22.8%, Gastrotricha 4.5%, Crustacea 3.0%, Arachnomorpha 2.4%, Actinopoda & Tardigrada 1.2%, and Oligochaeta & Turbellaria 0.9% (flagellates and nematods undetermined). The total number of species of each community ranged from 19 to 77, the richnest in the mosses by Lake Kawaguchi and the sparsest in the gravels of Lake Motosu. As to the relationship between the species densities and the habitats the general trend was that the majority of Ciliata, Oligochaeta, Rhizopoda, Turbellaria, Gastrotricha, Tardigrada and Arachnomorpha, especially of the latter 6 classes, have evolved towards the xerophilous, while Crustacea towards the hydrophilous. Actinopoda and Rotatoria, however, stay still in the hygrophilous biotope. The so-called "pioneer" species around the Mt. Fuji could be considered to have to fulfill at least the following 5 conditions; 1 marine psammon dweller, 2. smaller than 50x50x100 µm in size, 3. producer or the 1st consumer, 4. quick cyst former, and 5, cosmopolitan. They include the following species; Rhizopoda: Thecamoeba verrucosa, Assulina muscorum, Centropyxis aerophila, Corythion dubium, Euglypha laevis, Heleopela rosea, Nebella collaris, Trinema enchelys, Ciliata: Lacrymaria sp., Mesodinium sp., Coleps sp., Lionotus fasciolata, Frontonia sp., Colpoda inflata, Glaucoma sp., Cyclidium elongata, Rotatoria: Proales sp., Monostyla closterocerca, Lepadella patella, Colurella colurus, Cephalodella gibba and Bryceella sp.