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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3030

Rolf Arnemo, Bruno Berzins, Barbro Gronberg, and Inger Mellgren; The dispersal in Swedish waters of Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet) (Rotatoria). OIKOS 19(2):351-358, 1968


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The occurrence of the rotifer Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet) in Sweden is reported. The species is indigenous in North American but it is apparently widening its distribution area by means of human agencies. The first find in Europe was reported by Carlin (1943) who found it in Sweden. K. bostoniensis has probably been transported between the continents in ballast water. From the first Swedish find locality the species has spread both within the adjacent drainage area and into other drainage areas. As yet in Sweden K. bostoniensis has been observed to establish itself only in waters influenced by effluents of pulp mill industries. It has been found mainly during the summer stagnation period when egg development was maximal. Largest number were found near the bottom, where the oxygen content is low.