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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3013

Roger Pourriot and M. Deluzarches; [Sur la Consommation d'oxygene par les Rotiferes] (On the oxygen consomption by Rotifera). Annales de Limnologie 6(2):229-248, 1970


In File


The respiration rate of 8 clones of planktonic Rotifera was measured at the same temperature (20 degrees C) with the aid of the Winkler micromethod. The authors made an attempt to utilize the protein content as a basis for the comparison of respiration in planctonic Rotifera of different sizes. When the log of the << oxygen consumption >> (ind-1 hr-1) was plotted against the log of the protein content, a linear correlation was obtained. The regression coefficient b=0.72 in spring water of volcanic origin and b ~1 in calcareous pond water. Most of the Rotifera in this study showed a higher respiratory metabolism in the calcareous pond water. The duration of the experiments (six hours) and consequently the percentage saturation of oxygen in the water (above 50%), population density, light conditions and alimentary habit have no appreciable effect on the rate of oxygen consumption by Rotifera.