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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 3010

Roger Pourriot; [Recherches sur la Biologie des Rotiferes III. - Fecondite et Duree de vie Comparees chez les Females Amictiques et Mictiques de Quelques Especes] (Studies on the biology of rotifers. III. - Comparison of fecundity and life-span for amictic and mictic females of several species). Annls Limnol. 9(3):241-258, 1973


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Mean lifespan and net reproduction-rate were measured at 20 degrees C and under optimal food conditions for amictic, unfertilized and fertilized mictic females in six species of rotifer Monogononta: Asplanchna brightwelli, Brachionus calyciflorus, Epiphanes brachionus, Notommata copeus, Polyarthra dolichoptera and Synchaeta pectinata. Mean lifespan varies from 5 to 12 days for the amictic females within the species and the different clones, from 5 to 8 days for the unfertilized mictic females. Except for Asplanchna brightwelli, the net reproduction-rates (number of eggs per female lifetime) are similar in amictic and unfertilized mictic females. Temperature and food influence the net rate of reproduction.