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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2974

John J. Gallagher; Field Verification of Two General Factors Inflencing Population Variation in Euplanktonic Rotifers. Proceedings of the Lousiana Academy of Sciences XXVI:58-65, 1963


In File


Two of the factors in the hypothesis that variations in pH, temperature, food, and predation caused qualitative variation in generic populations of Rotatoria in ponds was tested by a prediction. This prediction was: in ponds of the same temperature range and the same pH, given adequate food and little predation, the population will vary little, and vice versa. This prediction was fulfilled. A definition of general and limiting factors that influence population variations is given. During the experiments it was discovered that heavy growths of planktonic algae influenced the general composition of the population. This influence caused entirely different genera of rotifers to be present as compared to the ponds with little planktonic algae but the same pH and temperature ranges.