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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2919

Walter Koste and Yan Zhuge; On Paradicranophorus aculeatus (Neistwestnova-Shadina, 1935) with Remarks on All Other Species of the Genus (Rotifera: Dicranophoridae). Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 80(1):121-132, 1995


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In 1934, the rotifer Paradicranophorus aculeatus was discovered by Neistwestnova-Shadina in the River Oka near Murom (Russia). She described it as a Dicranophorus species. In 1958, the rheophilic rotifer was rediscovered in the Polish River Grabia by Pawlowski. This paper reports a third occurrence in three samples from the Yun Nan Luoxiao River in China, allowing additional studies of this rare species.