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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2877

Sudzuki Minoru; Faunistic and ecological studies of the sewage biota of Japan. 21:1094-1100, 1981


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Some faunistic and ecological studies of the sewage biota of Japan have been carried out. They involve both raw sewage and biologically treated effluents from about 30 sewage treatment plants, all in the Tokyo metropolis and its adjacent prefecture, Saitama-ken. Of these plants, results from only 5, one in each of 5 cities, are dealt with here. Thus, results from only the following plants are considered: the Riyoke sewage treament plant (Kawaguchi City); the Arakawa river basin sewerage treatment center (Toda City); the Takinoshita final treatment plant (Kawagoe city); the sewage treatment plant (Omiya City); and the Furutone river basin sewerage treatment plant (Kuki City). They are referred to, respectively, in tables in order of their distance from Tokyo.