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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2798

S. Jose de Paggi; First Observations on Longitudinal Succession of Zooplankton in the Main Course of the Parana River Between Santa Fe and Buenos Aires Harbour. Studies on Neotropical Fauna and Environment 13:143-156, 1978


In File


The material was been collected in 1972 during a field trip performed by the research vessel of the National Institute of Limnology, Argentina, along the main course of the Parana River from the Santa Fe harbor down to the Rio de la Plata. Sixty sampling stations were covered. In the lower course of the river sampling was carried out in the Parana Guazu and the Parana Bravo branches down to its confluence with the Uruguay River, and the Parana de las Palmas and the Rio de la Plata down to the Buenos Aires harbor. Water samples for chemical analysis were collected and some physical parameters were measured. Due to the characteristics of the part of the river under consideration, we have divided it into four sectors. Sixty six species were seen. The rotifers were always the most important. Trichocerca rattus was the predominant species. The zooplankton density and specific diversity showing differences between those from industrialized areas and not industrialized ones.