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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2646

Josef Donner; [Einige neue Forschungen uber bdelloide Rotatorien, besonders in Boden] (Some new researches about bdelloid Rotifers, especially those in soils). REVUE D'ECOLOGIE ET DE BIOLOGIE DU SOL (Rev.Ecol.Biol.Sol) 17(1):125-143, 1980


In File


The material of these analyses is taken from different regions and biotops. The soil samples are out of a tropical primeval forest in Brazil, from a wood of the island Masatierra and out of a wood in the mountains of La Reunion. One sample has been a wet moss with algal felt from the Falklands. Short observations on animals from interstitial water and from a reed are added. - In the index of literature is referred to some longer remarks on Bdelloids, which are published after the Monograph of Donner 1965. New species in these labours have been the following ones: Otostephanos kostei Donner 1972, Philodina calceata Donner 1970, Macrotrachela obtusa Haigh 1966, M. extensa Haigh 1965, M. ligulata Haigh 1965, Mniobia lobata Haigh 1966, Adineta acuticornis Haigh 1966.