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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2596

G.M. Neal; Notes on some Dicranophorinae (Rotifera). Can.J.Zool. 36:95-111, 1958


In File


The reliability of certain structures of rotifers used for specific identification is discussed. Dicranophorus uncinatus (Milne) of Harring and Myers has been redesignated as D. aquilus (Gosse) and both species are redescribed. D. uncinatus of Weber (nec Milne) is a member of the D. rostratus-grypus group and D. cernuus Harring & Myers is a synonym of D. rostratus (D.-N. & F.), while D. corystis H.& M. and D. haueri H.& M. are both valid species distinct from D. rostratus.