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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2586

H. Netzel; [Chlamydophrys minor (Testacea) Bewegung und Fortpflanzung]. Encyclopaedia Cinematographica E1640:3-11, 1971


In File


The film describes the biology of Chlamydophrys minor (Rhizopoda, Testacea). The thecamoebae are shown in their artificial habitat: the water film on the surface of an agar plate. The most important features of their morphology are: triple stratification of the protoplast; one nucleus with a spherical nucleolus in the centre; constractile vacuoles at the periphery of the "pheosomal zone"; and filopoda and lamellae of pseudopodial cytoplasm in a fan-like arrangement. The existence of a test immediately adjacent to the cytoplasm is shown by experimental plasmolysis. Locomotion and ingestion of food (phagocytosis of bacteria) are then demonstrated. Nuclear and cellular division are documented in the following three scenes. Finally, one may see the development of cysts and their germination.