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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2575

A. Savoie; [Les Cilies Histophages en Biologie Cellulaire]. Annali Dell'Universita di Ferrara,Sezione III III(6):65-71, 1968


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Ophryoglena, some species of Tetrahymena and Prorodon, and other histophagous Ciliates, attracted by the fresh tissues, have a typical life cycle, through the stages of theront, trophont, tomont, tomites, theronts, which represent characteristic physiological states, i.d.: search for food, its ingestion, digestion and assimilation, and reproduction. The morphological distinction of these stages, the possibility of getting them easily, or to modify at will their functional behaviour, render these histophagous Ciliates, particularly Ophryoglena, valuable cells, whose experimental investigation could give important contributions to the study of some problems of cellular Biology, Pharmacodynamics. Toxicology, and even of Virology.