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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2490

M. del Pilar Gracia; [Resultados de la Expedicion Peris-Alvarez a la isla de Annobon (Golfo de Guinea) VI. Tecamebas muscicolas]. Publicaciones del INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA APLICADA (P.Inst.Biol.Apl.) 34:5-16, 1963


In File


In this note are studied some Thecamoebae from Annobon Island (Gulf of Guinea). The material (8 samples) consists in soil and epiphytic moss and decidious forest matter. The results of the tecamoebological analisis are: a) The number of found species is 36. b) The most abundant genera are: Centropyxis, Euglypha, Nebela and Trinema. c) The examinated biotopes are: 1st, moss cushions; 2nd, epiphytic mosses; 3rd, decidious soil. d) The samples which presents the greatest number of Thecamoebae species include decidious soil nature. e) This thecamoebian population is a mixture of hydrophil and eurytope species.