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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2489

M. del Pilar Gracia; [Nota sobre algunas Tecamebas de la isla de Fernando Poo]. Publicaciones INSTITUTO DE BIOLOGIA APLICADA (P.Inst.Biol.Apl.) XXXII:159-164, 1960


In File


In this note are studied some Thecamebians from Fernando Poo Isalnd (Gulf of Guinea). The material consists in moss. The whole of the found species is 8: Heleopera petricola Leidy, Nebela lageniformis Penard, Centropyxis aerophila Deflandre, Centropyxis constricta Ehrenberg, Difflugia acropodia Hertwig-Lesser, Trinema lineare Penard, Euglypha compressa Carter and Trigonopyxis arcula Leidy.