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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2431

Vassil Golemansky; [Unicellular Contaminants and Pests in Laboratory and Industrially Raised Algal Cultures]. Hydrobiology,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 20:17-30, 1984


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Studies were carried out in aqueous and agar laboratory cultures as well as in large scale industrial cultures of Ch. vulgaris Bejer, Scenedesmus sp., Spirulina sp. and Anabaena sp. during 1975-1982. Ten species are reported as pestes and/or contaminants. These belong to the following orders: Amoebida (Th. similis Greef (1981), V. mira (Schaeffer 1926), Vahlkampfia sp. Acanthamoeba sp.), Aconchulinide (V. simplex Cienkowcki), Labyrinthulida (Labyrinthodyctions sp.). Cyrthophorida (Ch. algivora Kahl, Ph. vorticella Stein, Vorticella sp., Rhabdostyla sp.). Ch. algivora, Labyrinthodyction sp., Th. similis and Ph. vorticella are considered particularly harmful, capable of strongly repressing or even completely destroying (when abundant) the algal cultures.