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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2430

Rossinka Detcheva; [Pollution Influence on the Infusorial Fauna (Protozoa, Ciliata) of Bulgarian Rivers II. The Ogosta River and its Affluents]. Hydrobiology,Bulgarian Academy of Sciences 2:19-31, 1975


In File


The publication deals with the species of Ciliates found in 56 samples, collected from 14 localities along the Ogosta river and its affluents (144 km) during the spring, summer and autumn of 1969. The influence of the season and the pollution of the river on the list of Ciliates was studied. The 15 hydrochemical indices, announced in the tables 1 and 2, which give some indications about the saprobiological conditions of the river are compared with these quoted by Bick and Kunse (1971). At several species the data coincide exactly. Some deviations are observed of the values of the dissolved in the water oxygen, ammonia and BSB5. Fig.1 is made on the base of the data of the oxydation, giving a better possibility to follow the widespreadness of Ciliates in the river and its affluents concerning the pollution. Thus the data necessary for the use of Ciliates as the bioindicators increase.