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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2418

Hendrik Segers; Redescription of Lecane fadeevi (Neiswestnowa-Shadina, 1935) (Rotifera, Lecanidae). Bulletin De L'Institut Royal Des Sciences Naturelles De Belgique (Bull.Inst.r.Sci.nat.Belg.) 64:235-238, 1994


In File


Lecane fadeevi (Neiswestnowa-Shadina, 1935), previously considered a synonym of Lecane psammophila (Wiszniewski, 1932) is redescribed from material collected near Moscow. The species appears closely related to L. closterocerca, they are differentiated by their different toe shape. L. fadeevi occurs not only in Russia, but also in Poland, as can be judged from published illustrated records. Alternative transliterations of Cyrillic to Latin letters by different authors had as result that a junior, objective synonym of L. fadeevi (Neiswestnowa-Shadina, 1935), L. fadeewi (Wiszniewski, 1954) was established.