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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2361

Wilfried Schonborn; [Modifikabilitat und Evolutionstrends bei Protozoen] (Modificability and trends of evolution in protozoa). Biologische Rundschau (Biol.Rdsch.) 21:225-235, 1983


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Protozoans, especially the testate amoebae frequently show modifications of the phenotypes in several habitats. The phenotypes are already adapted. Later on these modifications may appear genetically fixed. Modifications and evolution show the same trend, presumedly caused by dauermodifications. The Testacea are a group of asexual organisms. The structure of habitats and their effective ecological factors play a decisive role in evolution and conservation of species level for the agamospecies. In asexual protozoans the degree of conservation of species level are frequently dependent on the habitat. New species of asexual groups are not transformed parts of populations, but transformed clones. Mutations and concentration or decrease of plasmagenes, caused by selection, may bring genetic differences in the clones of asexual protozoans. The genetic differences are suitable for several possibilities of selection in the habitats.