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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2344

Frederick C. Page; Mastigamoeba aspera from Estuarine Tidal Pools in Maine. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 89(2):197-200, 1970


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Amoeboid flagellates identified as Mastigamoeba aspera Schulze 1875, heretofore considered a freshwater species, were collected from tidal pools with a salinity approaching 30 0/00 on a cove of the Damariscotta River. These flagellates bore the adherent bacterium-like rods characteristic of both M. aspera and Dinamoeba mirabilis. Because culture attempts were not successful, the questions of the nature of the rods and the possible identity of M. aspera and D. mirabilis could not be settled. However, this finding adds to the growing list of Protozoa found in both fresh and salt water.