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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2315

Louis Bonnet; [Le Peuplement Thecamoebien des Sols de Grece]. Biologia Gallo-Hellenica I(1):7-26, 1967


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This first paper on the soil Thecamoebians of Greece deals with the faunistic composition of 63 samples which have been taken in rendzine type soils, for the most. 84 species and varieties have been registered. A new genus and a new species are described. The study of species distribution in function of some physico-chemical characteristics (pH, rate of active limestone, organic matter, Carbone/Nitrogen rate) allowed the establishment of a number of ecological groups. A mathematical expression of the characteristic of the species eurytopy and stenotopy is proposed. The faunistic samples confirm the cosmopolitism of some groups in given type of soil. However, the mediterranean regions Thecamoebians are characterized by a special coloration due to the presence of iron oxide.