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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2314

Kosaka Toshikazu; Life Cycle of Paramecium bursaria Syngen 1 in Nature. J.Protozool. 38(2):140-148, 1991


In File


Studies were completed on the natural population density of Paramecium bursaria syngen 1 and on the life cycle stages to which the individuals belonged. Green paramecia were collected from two streams once every 20 days for over one year: 413 individuals on 26 collection dates in Mikumarikyo stream and 83 individuals on 23 collection dates in Momijidani-gawa stream. Individuals in nature did not maintain at a steady density but fluctuated greatly depending on the month. It seems that conjugation occurred from April to June in the Mikumarikyo stream and from May to June in the Momijidani-gawa stream. The appearance of individuals with mating ability might be related closely to increasing population so that sexual reproduction probably occurred near the peak of the population density. The 413 individuals from Mikumarikyo stream were examined to determine their position within the life cycle; 309 (74%) were immature, 55 (13%) were adolescent, and 49 (12%) were mature. No senile individuals were observed. The fraction of individuals with mating ability was generally less than 30% at any collection. Four mating types were observed occurring with about equal frequencies in mature individuals. The result show the frequencies of the recessive genes for mating types (a and b) are higher than for dominant genes (A and B). Of 83 individuals from Momijidani-gawa stream, 44 (52%) were immature, 21 (25%) were adolescent, and 18 (21%) were mature. Again, no senile individuals were observed. Because only two mating types were found, II and III (genotypes aaB- and aabb), it seems possible that the dominant gene A was rare or absent in the Momijidani-gawa population.