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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2298

Frederick C. Page; Two Marine Species of Flabellula (Amoebida, Mayorellidae). J.Protozool. 18(1):37-44, 1971


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Two species of amoebae identified as Flabellula citata Schaeffer, 1926 and F. calkinsi (Hogue, 1914) were isolated from saltwater habitats on the Maine coast. Both species showed the locomotive form and behavior of the genus Flabellula emend. Bovee, 1965. Both showed a mitotic pattern distinct from that of the genus Vannella Bovee, 1965, supporting Bovee's subdivision of Schaeffer's genus Flabellula. Preparations of F. clakinsi had an unusually high proportion of cells with 2 or more nuclei. F. calkinsi is a voracious cannibal. Neither F. citata nor F. calkinsi formed cysts in culture. Both species could be cultivated on media made with highly dilute sea water, but neither survived in a medium equivalent to a freshwater medium.