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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2183

G.A. Korganova; [Rakovinnye ameby (Testacida) nekotorych pocv Evropejskoj casti SSSR] (Testaceae of some soils of the European part of USSR). Pedobiologia 15:425-431, 1975


In File


By the direct investigation of soil suspensions a Testacean fauna of 66 species and variations was revealed in the upper horizons of 8 soil types under study: derno-calcareous, some podzolic soils in the Leningrad and Kalinin regions and meadow soils in Tambov region. Plagiopyxis intermedia was the species common to all the soil. Some species were found only in certain types of soils. For instance, Arecella arenaria, A. arenaria var. sphagnicola, Centropyxis halophila, C. plagiostoma var. terricola, Plagiopyxis angularis - only in derno-calcareous soil. The complex of more acid (pH 3.7 to 5.2) moist podzolic soils: derno-feebly podzolic strongly podzolic, derno-moderately podzolic and moderately podzolic turf soil under spruce forests is characterized by a more diversified Testacean species composition (17, 35, 30 and 22 species respectively) as compared with the soils with pH 5.5 to 6.9 under leaf-bearing forest and grass vegetation: solod - 11 species, meadow-chernozem - 8 and crust solonez - 3 species. The latter soil complex is moisture deficient, with a wide range of moisture fluctuations. A gradual decomposition of coniferous forest litter resulting in permanent formation of micro-habitats and adequate feeding relationships provides favourable conditions for slowly growing Testacea (Bamforth 1971). The data obtained are consistent with those of other authors, showing certain correlations between Testacean distribution patterns and ecological conditions. Therefore the group may be used as an indicator for soil biodiagnostics and calls for further study.