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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2180

Wilfried Schonborn; [Humusform und Testaceen-Besatz]. Pedobiologia 13:353-360, 1973


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(a) There are association of testacea for mull and acid humus (moder and mor). Most species are indifferent to kinds of humus. In mull, there are species which prefer calcareous mull (rendzina). We found Plagiopyxis labiata associated with more. The results corroborate essentially the associations for kinds of humus, which have been found by Bonnet in France. (b) Numbers of specimens and minimum areas of species are investigated. From mull to acid humus, the numbers of individuals and the proportions of live to dead animals increases, but the minimum areas are reduced. (c) The numbers of species is equal in mull and acid humus, but the numbers of typical species for mull is nearly less by half, than the numbers of typical species for acid humus. In mull, there are fewer species with xeromorphic characters, than in acid humus. (d) The testaceen fauna shows the greatest development (quantitative and qualitative) in moder and mor.