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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2109

Wilfried Schonborn; [Die sedimentbewohnenden Testaceen einiger Masurischer Seen] (The sediment-inhabiting Testacea from some Masurian Lakes). Acta Protozoologica III:297-309, 1965


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The sediment-inhabiting species of Arcella are Arcella hemisphaerica and Arcella gibbosa and their varieties. As a typical Centropyxis-species of the sediment the C. deflandrei may be looked upon. The Centropyxis-species of C. aerophila, C. cassis, C. platystoma, C. constricta, C. discoides. C. aculeata and C. hirsuta are producing sediment-inhabiting populations that distinguish themselves as morphological locality-varieties from their parent forms living in other biotopes. The characteristic testacea-genus of the profundal is Difflugia. Of the 65 identified testacea-forms in the investigated Masurian Lakes, 39 belong to the genus Difflugia. What was new for the profundal fauna of testacea were Oopyxis cyclostoma Thomas, Geopyxella aquatica n. sp. and Schaudinnula arcelloides Awerintzew. Their structural types however correspond with the living-form types of the sediment-inhabiting testacea. What could be established in addition were two new species and four new varieties of the genus Difflugia. The representatives of the remaining species listed in the table of genera may be likewise, according to our present knowledge, considered as typical or at least obligatory for the sediment of the lakes.