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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2082

Wilhelm Foissner and Susanne Brozek; Taxonomic Characterization of Pseudohaplocaulus infravacuolatus nov. spec. and Vorticella chlorellata Stiller 1940, Epiplanktonic Peritrichs (Ciliophora, Peritrichia) Attached to Coenobia of Anabaena (Cyanophyta), Including a Redescription of V. chlorostigma (Ehrenberg, 1831). Int.Revue ges.Hydrobiol. 81(3):329-351, 1996


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Pseudohaplocaulus infravacuolatus nov. spec. and Vorticella chlorellata Stiller, 1940, two peritrich ciliates attached to planktonic coenobia of Anabaena sp. (Cyanophyta), were investigated using live observation, silver impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. Pseudohaplocaulus infravacuolatus differs from its nearest relative, P. anabaenae (Stiller, 1940), mainly by the location of the anterior contractile vacuole. Vorticella chlorellata has symbiotic green algae, a J-shaped macronucleus, and a single, ventral contractile vacuole. The number of silverlines is very close to tha of V. picta, but distinctly different from that of V. chlorostigma (Ehrenberg, 1931), an other green Vorticella, redescribed for the first time. Vorticella rhabdostyloides Kellicott, 1885 is recognized as a distinct species, but transferred to Haplocaulus: H. rhabdostyloides (Kellicott, 1885) nov. comb. Like wise, Vorticella fasciculata Muller, 1773 is considered a distinct species and transferred to Pseudovorticella: P. fasciculata (Muller, 1773) nov. comb.