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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 2073

Wilfried Schonborn; [Die Ziliatenproduktion in der mittleren Saale]. Limnologica 14(2):329-346, 1982


In File


In the river Saale near the village Rothenstein (GDR, Thuringia), the density, biomass, annual production, number of generations, ingestion, and annual carbon-balance of the Ciliate-association were investigated. The density and production were estimated to slides and in special "production-chambers", which were exposed in the river. The chambers contained single individuals of the dominant species. The recording of food took place in the laboratory. The net production was 5 gC/m-2/a (=202 kJ), the average P/B amounted to 207. The association of Ciliate consumed 25 gC/m-2/a (36.2% bacteria, 3.4% diatoms and other algas, 60.3% protozoa). With the help of informations from the literature, assimilation (16.2 gC/m-2/a) and respiration (70%) were calculated. The density oscillated in spring. In summer the density of ciliated protozoa shows a minimum and in autumn and winter there is a maximum. The cause of this rhythm is unknown. The number of annual generations varied between 5 and 63. The production of the loricate Ciliate was only 0.27% of the uncovered Ciliate production; their mortality amounted to 5%/day. In the river-ecosystem, the ciliated protozoa represents a "key-industry". They quick render accessible a great quantity of energy in the river the residual ecosystem. They have a great participate in the mineralisation of waste.