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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1955

Ruth Laxhuber; Abundance and distribution of pelagic rotifers in a cold, deep oligotrophic alpine lake (Konigssee). Hydrobiologia 147:189-196, 1987


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Rotifer community structure of the oligotrophic, alpine lake Konigssee was investigated from October 1982 to October 1983. Twenty different species were found, including several cold-stenothermal and oligotrophic species. Polyarthra vulgaris/dolicoptera, Kellicottia longispina and Keratella cochlearis were the most abundant species throughout the year, comprising 90% of the total rotifer community (2.8x10E6 individuals m-2, maximum). The remainder of the rotifer community was represented by as eight species which occurred for a short time in summer and autumn. The rotifer community was limited to the upper 50 m (85-100%) in which most (60-80%) of the rotifers preferred the trophogenic layer (0-20 m). Species-specific depth preferences were observed. Rotifer abundance and distribution are discussed in terms of the specific environmental conditions in Konigssee. The rotifer community of Konigssee is compared to that of Lake Constance in its former oligotrophic state.