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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1848

M.K. Jyoti and Harjeet Sehgal; Ecology of rotifers of surinsar, a subtropical, fresh water lake in Jammu, India. Hydrobiologia 65(1):23-32, 1979


In File


17 species of rotifers have been recorded from Lake Surinsar, Jammu (J & K), India of which some are either exclusively limnetic (Brachionus angularis, Hexarthra sp., Filinia opliensis), or littoral (Brachionus patulus, M. ventralis, Trichotoria sp., Platyias quadricornis, Lecane (Monostyla) decipiens, L. (M.) bulla and Lecane sp.) and others (Keratella tropica, Anuraeopsis fissa, Brachionus quadridentatus, B. calyciflorus, Trichocerca sp., T. similis, and Polyarthra sp.) seem to be wandering species. Seasonal maxima for both littoral and limnetic zones are reported. Most population maxima are contributed mainly by one or at best two species. Physico-chemical factors like temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, calcium, magnesium, and total alkalinity have been studied and their influence on these rotifer species are discussed. On their thermal responses, the available rotifer species have been classified as warm stenothermal, cold stenothermal or eurythermal. The importance of Mytilina ventralis as a biological indicator for dissolved oxygen in this lake has been pointed out.