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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1635

B. Finlay, P. Bannister, and J. Stewart; Temporal variation in benthic ciliates and the application of association analysis. Freshwater Biology 9:45-53, 1979


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A 2-year sampling programme of three benthic sites in a small eutrophic loch revealed large communities of ciliates protozoa consisting of a wide diversity of species (91 spp. over the 2 years). Species-groups described with the aid of association analysis (normal and inverse) indicated the existence of a 'ubiquitous' species-group consisting of at least Cyclidium glaucoma and Aspidisca costata. Another species-group containing large ciliates (Loxodes striatus, Frontonia leucas, Spirostomum spp. and Paramecium spp.) was characteristic of the summer months at all sites. It is advocated that association analysis might increase the value of protozoa as pollution indicators.