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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1557

Ernst A. Nusch; [Okologische und systematische untersuchungen der Peritricha (Protozoa, Ciliata) im Aufwuchs von Talsperren und Fluss-stauen mit verschiedenem Saprobitatsgrad (mit Modellversuchen)] (Ecological and systematic studies of the Peritricha (Protozoa, Ciliata) in the periphyton community of reservoirs and dammed rivers with different degrees of saprobity). Arch.Hydrobiol/suppl. 37(3):243-386, 1970


In File


The true- and pseudoperiphyton of reservoirs and dammed rivers with different water quality has been investigated from May 66 up to May 68 using slide method. Population growth of ciliates (particular reference has been made to peritrichs), rotifers and algae in relation to chemical data, bacterial counts (based on MF) are shown in diagrams. Available food, interspecific competition for food and space, predation and parasitism are discussed as factors influencing population growth of peritrichs. The ecological tolerance of the peritrichs has been proved by experimental changing of environmental conditions: 1. Augmentation of saprobity degree by decomposition of peptone in laboratory and outdoor experiments. 2. Translocation of colonized glass slides between waters of different quality. The limits of the peritrichs' ecological tolerance with regard to temperature, pH, O2, CO2, NH4, bacterial counts (MF) are presented, as well as the ranges of size of the peritrichs, whose variability was examined. It was proved that assumed characteristic features are modifiable by changing conditions (e.g. quality and quantity of food). Epistylis galea Ehrb. 1838 and Epistylis ophidioidea Kellicott 1884 furthermore Pyxicola nolandi Finley & Bacon 1965 and Pyxicola carteri f. constricta Sommer 1950 are synonymized. Epistylis coronata n. sp. is described. A device for staining bacteria upon membrane filter is presented.