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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1451

Rosalind M. Pontin and John M. Langley; The use of rotifer communities to provide a preliminary national classification of small water bodies in England. Hydrobiologia 255/256:411-419, 1993


In File


The rotifers species present in samples from 180 small water bodies, or ponds, in England were identified and listed for each pond. These communities were used to provide a system of classification of ponds applicable on a national basis, using the program 'TWINSPAN'. Sites were also ordinated using 'DECORANA' to identify major trends within the data set. The environmental factors most highly correlated with rotifer community were: (a) conductivity (P<0.001), (b) pH (P<0.001) and (c) permanence of water body (P<0.001). Out of 167 species, 32 were acting as indicators. It is suggested that a pond classification could be based on these species alone.