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Ref ID : 1393

Irena Bielanska-Grajner; Influence of temperature on morphological variation in populations of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) in Rybnik Reservoir. Hydrobiologia 313/314:139-146, 1995


In File


Morphological changes in a population of Keratella cochlearis were investigated in a reservoir of changed temperature and high trophy. Four morphological forms were distinguished: Keratella cochlearis f. cochlearis, K. cochlearis var. tecta f. micracantha, K. cochlearis var. tecta f. typica and K. cochlearis f. macracantha. A correlation between the length of the lorica and the posterior spine, and the temperature of water was observed. These four forms of Keratella cochlearis occurred during the entire period of investigations.