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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1203

Dev R. Sachdev and Nicholas L. Clesceri; Effects of organic fractions from secondary effluent of Selenastrum capicornutm (Kutz). WPCF July:1810-1819, 1978


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1. Both Lake George and Clifton Knolls concentrated effluents showed significant stimulation of µ(max), whereas only the Clifton Knolls concentrate had stimulatory effect on maximum standing crop of S. capricornutum. 2. Some of the organic fractions singly resulted in greater stimulation of S. capricornutum than did the concentrated effluent. 3. No inhibitory effect on S. capricornutum of concentrated effluents or their organic fractions was noticed. 4. In general, the organic fractions with AMW >700 indicated stimulation of both µ(max) and maximum standing crop for S. capricornutum. 5. No stimulation in growth response could be attributed to the supplemental nitrogen, phosphorus or inorganic carbon added to the medium from the addition of the organic fractions. 6. Stimulation of S. capricornutum was caused by the organic compounds in fractions. These compounds probably supplied growth substances as well as nutrients. In this study their role as chelators is doubtful due to the presence of Na2-EDTA, but in the natural environment they may act as chelators. 7. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus only from secondary effluent may not solve the problem of algal growth stimulation in receiving waters. The removal of organics of the nature of those herein reported in some instances, should be seriously considered in approaches to water quality improvement. 8. Specifically, the removal of organic components of ATM >700 should substantially decrease algal growth.