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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1196

Kurihara Yasushi; Studies of "succession" in a microcosm. Sci.Rep.Tohoku Univ.Ser.IV (Biol.) 37:151-160, 1978


In File


1. When bamboo juices containing definite amounts of nitrogen and reducing sugar were kept in light bottles without covering and left in the open air, they eventually changed into bodies of waters containing bacteria, ciliate protozoa, Chlorella, blue green algae, nematodes and rotifers. 2. A mixture of these organisms was inoculated into flasks containing autoclaved bamboo juices. The flasks were placed in a constant temperature chamber at 24 degrees C under a 12 hour photo-period at an intensity of 1400 lux. Bacteria, Cyclidium, Chlorella, blue-green algae, nematodes and rotifers each passed through periods of luxuriant growth, following which a steady state was achieved in which the various species coexisted, the numbers of each species remaining stable. 3. This succession could be replicated by replacing the original culture medium with media including inorganic salts (Taub and Dollar, 1964) and 0.05% proteose peptone. 4. Further experiments involved the addition to the microcosm of four kinds of fish; Guppy, Rasbora. Zebra and White cloud mountain fish. The fishes survived in the climax stage of the microcosm in every case but not in the successional stage.