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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Ref ID : 1178

Kare Lindstrom; Changes in growth and size of Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) in relation to some environmental factors in cultures. Hydrobiologia 104:325-328, 1983


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Keratella cochlearis (Gosse) was cultured non-axenically in Carefoot medium diluted with Erken water at 5 degrees C, 15 degrees C and 20 degrees C with Rhodomonas minuta (Skuja) as a food alga. The rotifer reached ca. 120 ind./ml, having generation times of 2-7 days, a Q10-value of ca. 2, and at the lowest temperature >20% longer posterior spines. When co-cultured with Chlorella sp., at 0-30 mgCa/l and 1.6 mg NaHCO3/l in medium at 20 degrees C, the maximum generation time and individual numbers were 3-4 days and up to 100 ind./ml, respectively. Animal numbers increased in relation to nutrient multiples, up to two multiples, of the culture medium L16. Growth and length were reduced, although the width increased above two multiples of this culture medium. The trace metal tolerance was broad and increased additions of a metal mixture (L11) slightly increased the length of the rotifers. No major changes in the length were observed when HCO3 or Ca were varied in the culture medium (L11), although a decrease in the length was noted in old cultures.