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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta

Reference (Ref ID : 5600-5699)

Ref ID : 5600

A.F. Shull; Determination of types of individuals in Aphids, Rotifers, and Cladocera. Biol.Rev. 4:218-248, 1929

Ref ID : 5601

O. Storch; [Die Eizellen der heterogonen Radertiere]. Zool.Jahrb.Abt.Anat. 45:309-404, 1924

Ref ID : 5602

V. Storch and U. Welsch; [Uber den Aufbau des Rotatorienintegumentes]. Z.Zellforsch. 95:405-414, 1969

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J.E. Sulston and S. Brenner; The DNA of Caenorhabditis elegans. Genetics 77:95-104, 1974

Ref ID : 5604

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Ref ID : 5608

Samuel Ward; Chemotaxis by the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: identification of attractants and analysis of the response by use of mutants. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 70:817-821, 1973

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R.W. Ware, D. Clark, K. Crossland, and R.L. Russell; The nerve ring of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans: sensory input and motor output. J.Comp.Neurol. 162:71-110, 1975

Ref ID : 5610

F.D. Warner; The fine structure of the protonephridia in the Rotifer Asplanchna. J.Ultrastruct.Res. 29:499-524, 1969

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W.P. Wergin and B.Y. Endo; Ultrastructure of a neurosensory Organ in a root-knot Nematode. J.Ultrastruct.Res. 56:258-276, 1976

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J.G. White, E. Southgate, J.N. Thomson, and S. Brenner; The structure of the ventral nerve cord of Caenorhabditis elegans. Philos.Trans.R.Soc.Lond.Biol. 275:327-348, 1976

Ref ID : 5613

D.D. Whitney; The control of sex by food in five species of rotifers. J.Exp.Zool. 20:263-396, 1916

Ref ID : 5614

D.D. Whitney; The chromosome cycle in the Rotifer, Asplanchna intermedia. Anat.Rec. 29:107, 1924

Ref ID : 5615

D.D. Whitney; The chromosome cycle in the Rotifer Asplanchna amphora. J.Morphol.Physiol. 47:415-433, 1929

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Hagiwara Atsushi; [Use of Resting Eggs for Mass Preservation of Marine Rotifers]. Saibai Giken 24(2):109-120, 1996

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J.D. Toledo and H. Kurokura; Cryopreservation of the euryhaline rotifer Brachionus plicatilis embryos. Aquaculture 91:385-394, 1990

Ref ID : 5618

Hagiwara Atsushi, C.-S. Lee, T. Miyamoto, and Hirayama Kazutsugu; Resting egg formation and hatching of the S-type rotifer Brachionus plicatilis at varying salinities. Marine Biology 103:327-332, 1989

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Terry W. Snell and C.A. Hawkinson; Behavioral reproductive isolation among population of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Evolution 37:1294-1305, 1983

Ref ID : 5620

Terry W. Snell and M.A. Nacionales; Sex pheromone communication in Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera). Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 97:211-216, 1990

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Terry W. Snell, M.J. Childress, and B.C. Winkler; Characterization of the mate recognition factor in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Comp.Biochem.Physiol. 89:481-485, 1988

Ref ID : 5622

Terry W. Snell, P.D. Morris, and G. Cecchine; Localization of the mate-recognition pheromone in Brachionus plicatilis O.F. Muller (Rotifera) by fluorescent labeling with lectins. J.exp.mar.Biol.Ecol. 165:225-235, 1993

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M. Matsuyama; Limnological features of Lake Kaiike, a small coastal lake on Kamikoshiki Island, Kagoshima prefecture, Japan. Jap.J.Limnol. 38:9-18, 1977

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J. Daday; [A Napolyi-obol Rotatoriai]. Ert.a Termeszettud.korebol 19:1-52, 1890

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Josef Hauer; [Rotatorien aus den Salzgewassern von Oldesloe (Holstein)]. Lubeck 30:152-195, 1925

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Ludwig Rodewald; [Radertierfauna Rumaniens. II. Neue und bemerkenswerte Radertiere aus Rumanien]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 118:235-248, 1937

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Ludwig Rodewald; [Contribution a l'etude de la fauna des Rotiferes des eaux douces et salees de la Dobrogea]. l' Jassy 24:141-172, 1937

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Varga Lajos; [A Balaton pelagikus Rotatoriai. - Die pelagischen Rotatorien des Balaton-Sees]. M.Biol.Kut.Munk. 5:51-63, 1932

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N.N. Charin; [Uber die neue Art des Radertierchens aus der Gattung Brachionus]. Dokl.Akad.Nauk.USSR 56:107-108, 1947

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H.J.G. Dartnall; Antarctic freshwater rotifers. Arch.Hydrobiol.Beih. 8:240-242, 1977

Ref ID : 5633

N.N. Fadeew; [Sur la connaissance de la faune de lacs du Transcaucasie]. Travaux de la Station Biologique du Caucase du Nord 5:17-26, 1925

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de Beauchamp; [Rotiferes et Gastrotriches]. Linnean Soc.Journ.Zool. 38:231-248, 1932

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Andre Gillard; [Rotifers d'une eau saumatre a Niewport]. Konink.Belg.Inst.Natuurwet. 35:1-7, 1959

Ref ID : 5637

Hada Yoshine; [Rotifers from Mongolian salt lakes]. Kagaku 7:579-580, 1937

Ref ID : 5638

Kurt Wulfert; [Radertiere aus dem Salzwasser von Hermannsbad]. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Zool.Anz.) 143:164-172, 1943

Ref ID : 5639

J. Murray; Some Rotifers of the Sikkim Himalaya. J.Royal Microscopical Society 9:637-644, 1906

Ref ID : 5640

Lucien Decloitre; [Thecamoebiens de la grotte des Singes a Segea (Guinee). Speologica africana]. Bulletin de l'I.F.A.N. 17(4):989-1019, 1955

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M. Stepanek; Testacea of the pond of Hradek at Kunratice (Prague). Sborn.Nar.Mus.Praze 8:1-55, 1952

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Varga Lajos; [Untersuchungen uber die Mikrofauna der Waldstreu einiger Waldtypen im Bukkgebirge (Ungarn)]. Acta Zool.Acad.Asci.Hung. 4:443-478, 1959

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Varga Lajos; [Uber die Mikrofauna der Waldstreu einiger auf Szikboden angelegter Waldtypen]. Acta Zool.Acad.Sci.Hung. 6:211-225, 1960

Ref ID : 5644

Th.C. Barrois and J. Daday; [Contribution a l'etude des Rotiferes de Syrie et descriptions de quelques especes nouvelles]. Revue Biol.du Nord de la France,Lille 6:391-490, 1894

Ref ID : 5645

H. Ahlstrom; Plankton Rotatoria from Mexiko. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 51:242-251, 1932

Ref ID : 5646

H. Ahlstrom; Rotatoria of Florida. Trans.Amer.Micros.Soc. 53(3):251-266, 1934

Ref ID : 5647

de Beauchamp; [Description de trois Rotiferes nouveaux de la faune francaise]. Bull.Soc.Zool.France 32:148-157, 1907

Ref ID : 5648

D. Bergendal; [Gastroschiza triacantha n. g., n. sp., eine neue Gattung und Familie der Raderthiere]. Bihang Svensk.Vetensk.Akad.Handl. 18(4), 1893

Ref ID : 5649

L. Bilfinger; [Zur Rotatorienfauna Wurttembergs. 2.]. Beitr.Jahreshefte Ver.vaterl.Naturkunde Wurttembg.Jahrg. 50:35-65, 1894

Ref ID : 5650

David Bryce; Remarks on Distyla, with descriptions of three new Rotifers. Science-Gossip:204-207, 1891

Ref ID : 5651

K. Eckstein; [Die Rotatorien der Umgegend von Giessen]. Ztschr.Wiss.Zool. 39:343-443, 1883

Ref ID : 5652

N.N. Fadeew; [Materialien zur Kenntnis der Rotatorienfaune Russlands]. Trav.Soc.Nat.Kharkow 50:3-12, 1925

Ref ID : 5653

Harry K. Harring; A list of the Rotatoria of Washington and Vicinity, with descriptions of a new genus and ten new species. Proc.U.S.Nation.Mus. 46:387-405, 1913

Ref ID : 5654

Harry K. Harring; Report on Rotatoria from Panama with descriptions of new species. Proc.U.S.Nation.Mus. 47:525-564, 1914

Ref ID : 5655

Harry K. Harring; A revision of the Rotatorian Genera Lepadella and Lophocharis with descriptions of five new species. Proc.U.S.Nation.Mus. 51:527-568, 1916

Ref ID : 5656

David Bryce; On some moss-dwelling Cathypnadae, with descriptions of five new species. Science-Gossip:271-275, 1892

Ref ID : 5657

Josef Hauer; [Zur Kenntnis des Rotatorien-Genus Colurella Bory de St. Vincent]. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Zool.Anz.) 59:177-189, 1924

Ref ID : 5658

Josef Hauer; [Rotatorien aus dem "Wuhrholz" im Ried bei Donaueschingen]. Schrift.Ver.Gesch.u.Naturgesch.der Baar in Donaueschingen 16:252-272, 1926

Ref ID : 5659

Josef Hauer; [Zur Kenntnis der Rotatoriengenera Lecane und Monostyla]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 83:143-164, 1929

Ref ID : 5660

Josef Hauer; [Zur Rotatorienfauna Deutschlands II.]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 93:7-13, 1931

Ref ID : 5661

Josef Hauer; [Zur Rotatorienfauna Deutschlands III.]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 93:173-184, 1931

Ref ID : 5662

Josef Hauer; [Rotatorien aus dem Schluchseemoor und seiner Umgebung]. Verh.Naturwiss.Ver.Karlsruhe 31:47-130, 1935

Ref ID : 5663

Josef Hauer; [Zur Rotatorienfauna Deutschlands V.]. Zoologischer Anzeiger 113:154-157, 1936

Ref ID : 5664

N. von Hofstein; [Rotatorien der nordschwedischen Hochgebirge]. Naturw.Untersuchungen Sarekgebirges in Schwedisch-Lappland 4:829-894, 1923

Ref ID : 5665

G.E. Hutchinson; New and little-known Rotatoria from South Africa. Ann.Mag.Natur.Hist. 7:561-568, 1931

Ref ID : 5666

A.W. Jakubski; [Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Susswassermikrofauna Ostafrikas. I. Die Radertiere der Usangusteppe]. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Zool.Anz.) 39:536-550, 1912

Ref ID : 5667

H.S. Jennings; Rotatoria of the United States, with especial reference to these of the Great Lakes. Bull.U.S.Fish Comm.,Washington 19:67-104, 1900

Ref ID : 5668

H.S. Jennings; Rotatoria of the United States. II. A monograph of the Rattulidae. Bull.U.S.Fish Comm.,Washington 22:273-352, 1903

Ref ID : 5669

N.W. Korde; [Uber einige fur die Fauna von Russland neue Radertiere der Gattungen Lecane und Monostyla]. Jzv.Ivan.-Voznes.Polyt.Inst. 10:77-84, 1927

Ref ID : 5670

R. Lauterborn; [Beitrage zur Rotatorienfauna des Rheins und seiner Altwasser]. Zool.Jahrb.Syst. 7:254-273, 1893

Ref ID : 5671

F. Leydig; [Uber den Bau und die systematische Stellung der Raderthiere]. Ztschr.Wiss.Zool. 6:1-120, 1854

Ref ID : 5672

W. Milne; On the Bdelloid Rotifera of South Africa. J.Quekett Microscopical Club 13:47-184, 1916

Ref ID : 5673

J. Murray; South American Rotifera. J.Royal Microscopical Society 9:229-246, 1906

Ref ID : 5674

J. Murray; South American Rotifera II. J.Royal Microscopical Society 9:341-362, 1906

Ref ID : 5675

J. Murray; South American Rotifera III. J.Royal Microscopical Society 9:449-454, 1906

Ref ID : 5676

J. Murray; Australasian Rotifera. J.Royal Microscopical Society 9:455-461, 1906

Ref ID : 5677

Frank J. Myers; The Distribution of Rotifera on Mount Desert Island. Amer.Mus.Novitates 494, 1931

Ref ID : 5678

Frank J. Myers; The Distribution of the Rotifera on Mount Desert Island. Part VI. Amer.Mus.Novitates 760, 1934

Ref ID : 5679

Paul Van Oye; [Einteiling der Binnengewasser Javas]. Internat.Revue 10:7-22, 1922

Ref ID : 5680

Paul Van Oye; [Zur Biologie des Potamoplanktons auf Java]. Internat.Revue 10:362-393, 1922

Ref ID : 5681

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Ref ID : 5682

Paul Van Oye; [Contribution a la connaissance de la flore et de la faune microscopiques des Indes Neederlandaises]. Ann.Biol.Lac. 11:130-151, 1922

Ref ID : 5683

S. Piovanelli; Two new Bdelloidea commensal in the branchial cavities of Telphusa fluviatilis Lamarck. J.Quekett Microscopical Club 8:521-522, 1903

Ref ID : 5684

Charles F. Rousselet; Rattulus collaris n. sp. and some Rotifers. J.Quekett Microscopical Club 6:226-270, 1896

Ref ID : 5685

Charles F. Rousselet; On three new species of Rotifera. J.Quekett Microscopical Club 11:161-164, 1911

Ref ID : 5686

P. Slonimski; [Sur la connaissance de Brachionus caudatus Barrois et Daday]. C.R.Soc.Biol.Paris 93(2):948-951, 1925

Ref ID : 5687

D. Tarnogradsky; [Zur Rotatorienfauna des Nord-Kaukasus, aus den Genera Lecane, Monostyla und Colurella]. Travaux de la Station Biologique du Caucase du Nord 3(1-3):111-143, 1930

Ref ID : 5688

S.V.G. Thorpe; The Rotifera of China. J.Royal Microscopical Society:145-152, 1893

Ref ID : 5689

Max Voigt; [Rotatorien und Gastrotrichen der Umgegend von Plon]. Forschungsberichte d.Biol.Stat.Plon. 11:1-180, 1904

Ref ID : 5690

E.F. Weber; [Rotateurs (Voyage du Dr. Walter Volz)]. Zool.Jahrb.Abt.System 24:207-224, 1907

Ref ID : 5691

A. Wierzejski; [Rotatoria (wrotki) Galicyi]. Rozprawy Akad.Umiejetn.Wydzialu Matem.-Przyrodn.Krakau 6:160-265, 1893

Ref ID : 5692

J. Wiszniewski; [Zwei neue Radertierarten: Pedalia intermedia n. sp. und Paradiscranophorus limosus n. g. n. sp.]. Bull.Acad.Pol.Sci.Lettres,class.Sci.Math.Nat. II:137-153, 1929

Ref ID : 5693

J. Wiszniewski; [Sur quelques Rotiferes trouves en Espagne]. Archives d'Hydrobiologie et d'Ichthyologie 6:41-64, 1931

Ref ID : 5694

David J. Patterson; The Diversity of Eukaryotes. The American Naturalist 154:S96-S124, 1999

Ref ID : 5695

Alastair G.B. Simpson and Andrew J. Roger; The real 'kingdoms' of eukaryotes. Current Biology 14(17):R693-R696, 2004 (In file)

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J.M. Archibald and Patrick J. Keeling; Recycled plastids: a 'green movement' in eukaryotic evolution. Trends Genet. 18:577-584, 2002

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S.I. Nikolaev, Cedric Berney, Jose F. Fahrni, Ignacio Bolivar, Stephane Polet, A.P. Mylnikov, V.V. Aleshin, N.B. Petrov, and Jan Pawlowski; The twilight of Heliozoa and rise of Rhizaria, an emerging supergroup of amoeboid eukaryotes. Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. 101:8066-8071, 2004

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A. Stechmann and Thomas Cavalier-Smith; The root of the eukaryote tree pinpointed. Current Biology 13:R665-R666, 2003

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