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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Wailesella Deflandre, 1928 (ref. ID; 3686)

Quote from ref. ID; 3536

ref. ID; 1923

Aperture on the side of the shell, ventrally situated. One species. (ref. ID; 1923)

ref. ID; 3686

Shell colourless; ovoid; composed of proteinaceous material; aperture sub-terminal, circular. (ref. ID; 3686)
  1. Wailesella eboracensis Wailes (ref. ID; 1923), (Wailes & Penard, 1911) Deflandre, 1928 (ref. ID; 2066) or (Wailes) Deflandre, 1931 (ref. ID; 2441)

Wailesella eboracensis Wailes (ref. ID; 1923), (Wailes & Penard, 1911) Deflandre, 1928 (ref. ID; 2066) or (Wailes) Deflandre, 1931 (ref. ID; 2441)


Shell entirely chitinous, brownish or dark brown; ovoid in front view, dissymmetric in side view; aperture circular without any invagination. Nucleus single. Pseudopodia few, pointed. A world-wide, but surely overlooked, species. Habitat Sphagnum and mosses, subaquatic. (ref. ID; 1923)


Length 20-28 µm. (ref. ID; 1923)