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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Valkanovia Valkanov, 1962 (ref. ID; 4737)

Rhizopoda (ref. ID; 2032)
  1. Valkanovia delicatula (Valkanov, 1962) Tappan, 1966 (ref. ID; 4737)
  2. Valkanovia elegans Schonborn, 1964 (ref. ID; 2032) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 6943)

Valkanovia elegans Schonborn, 1964 (ref. ID; 2032) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 6943)


This species is closely related to Assulina. Contrary to Assulina the shell of Valkanovia is colourless, and the elliptical aperture is surrounded only by a smooth rim. (ref. ID; 2032)

Valkanovia is colourless and has a thin, more or less smooth aperture rim. Size-monomorphic. (ref. ID; 6943)


Valkanovia elegans can be distinguished ecologically from Assulina muscorum. Assulina and its forms live exclusively in the upper horizon of soils (litter), whereas Valkanovia elegans can colonize both the upper and lower horizons. (ref. ID; 6943)