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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


[ref. ID; 2356]
The genus clearly belongs to the family Difflugiidae, and may be distinguished from all other freshwater testate rhizopods by the structure of the aperture. This structure is an extreme form of the lobing seen in various members of the genus Difflugia. (ref. ID; 2356)
  1. Suiadifflugia multipora Green (ref. ID; 2356 original paper)

Suiadifflugia multipora Green (ref. ID; 2356 original paper)


The test is sub-spherical, constructed of minute mineral particles of varying size. The aperture is complex, consisting of a central pore and 8 to 11 irregularly elongate oval pores radiating around the central pore like the petals of a flower. Some of the preserved specimens had pseudopodia emerging from the central pore and several of the radial pores. The region around the central pore is constructed of smaller particles than the rest of the test. When the aperture region is viewed obliquely the arches between the pores are seen to be raised above the surface of the sphere. Each arch is composed of several layers of particles. In the scanning electron micrographs the particles appear somewhat smoothed, but under the light microscope the particles appear to be more angular. (ref. ID; 2356)


Diameter 178-192; height 178-201 um (n=10). (ref. ID; 2356)