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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Sexangularia Awerintzew, 1906 (ref. ID; 3567, 3686)

[ref. ID; 1923]
Shell transversely polygonal, membranous. Foreign mineral particles scarce or absent. (ref. ID; 1923)

[ref. ID; 3686]
Shell elongate; composed of proteinaceous material, occasionally with agglutinated particles; aperture terminal, polygonal. (ref. ID; 3686)
  1. Sexangularia polyedra Deflandre (ref. ID; 1923)

Sexangularia polyedra Deflandre (ref. ID; 1923)


Shell pear-shaped, transparent, spangled with minute quartz grains which are more abundant near the aperture. Pseudopods numerous, straight or forked, active. Habitat Sphagnum. (ref. ID; 1923)


Length 60-70 um. (ref. ID; 1923)