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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Pseudocorythion Valkanov, 1970 (ref. ID; 3519, 5852) or (Wailes) Valkanov (ref. ID; ?)

Quote from ref. ID; 5000

Cercozoa: Rhizaria: Euglyphida (ref. ID; 7119)

ref. ID; 5852


Test with big, scales. Aperture usually subterminal. Shape of pseudostome elongation variable. Fundus usually pointed. Length of pseudostome elongation/length of test >1/2. Diameter of pseudostome/width of test 1/2-1/3. Width of pseudostome elongation/diameter of pseudostome 1. (ref. ID; 5852)
  1. Pseudocorythion acutum (Wailes, 1927) (ref. ID; 3519), (Wailes, 1927) Valkanov, 1970 (ref. ID; 2097, 2115, 2123, 2216, 2435, 2440, 3175) reported year? (ref. ID; 7644) or Valkanov, 1969 (ref. ID; 2038) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 7119)
  2. Pseudocorythion acutum var. nipponicum Sudzuki, 1979 (ref. ID; 3519)

    Quote from ref. ID; 5852

  3. Pseudocorythion mannei Chardez, 1971 (ref. ID; 2115, 2144 original paper, 3519)
  4. Pseudocorythion nipponicum Sudzuki, 1976 (ref. ID; 3519)
  5. Pseudocorythion undulacollis Chardez & Thomas, 1980 (ref. ID; 2119 original paper, 2123, 3519)
  6. Pseudocorythion wailesi Golemansky, 1971 (ref. ID; 2038 original paper, 2115, 2119, 2216, 2440, 3519) reported year? (ref. ID; 7644)

    Quote from ref. ID; 5000

    Quote from ref. ID; 5852