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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Psammonobiotus Golemansky, 1967 (ref. ID; 2440, 3173 original paper)

[ref. ID; 5852]
Diagnosis; Test fundamentally with big, round scales but obscure. Diameter of pseudostome elongation/diameter of test=1. (ref. ID; 5852)
  1. Psammonobiotus balticus Golemansky, 1972 (ref. ID; 2427, 2440) or 1973 (ref. ID; 2087, 2115, 2116, 2119, 2216, 2438, 3519)

    Quote from ref. ID; 5852

  2. Psammonobiotus communis Golemansky, 1967 (ref. ID; 2432, 2440, 3173 original paper, 3519, 4856) or 1968 (ref. ID; 2038, 2087, 2115, 2116, 2123, 2144, 2216, 2423, 2425 original paper)
  3. Psammonobiotus golemanski Chardez, 1971 (ref. ID; 2115, 2116, 2119, 2144 original paper, 2216), golemanskyi Chardez, 1971 (ref. ID; 3519)

    Quote from ref. ID; 5000

    Quote from ref. ID; 5852

  4. Psammonobiotus linearis Golemansky, 1970 (ref. ID; 2111 original paper, 2115, 2119, 2425, 2441, 3519)
  5. Psammonobiotus minutus Golemansky, 1969 (ref. ID; 2038) or 1970 (ref. ID; 2115, 2116, 2119, 2144, 2441, 3519)
  6. Psammonobiotus plana Chardez, 1971 (ref. ID; 2115, 2123, 2144 original paper, 3519), plena (ref. ID; 5852)

    Quote from ref. ID; 5852

  7. Psammonobiotus septentrionalis Chardez, 1972 (ref. ID; 2119) or 1977 (ref. ID; 3519)