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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Wierzejskiella Wiszniewski, 1934

Class Monogonontaet: Order Ploimida: Family Dicranophoridae (ref. ID; 6806)

ref. ID; 1663

Foot one-fourth to one-third the total length, composed of one to four segments. Mastax forcipate. Trophi symmetrical. Most common in sandy beaches. (ref. ID; 1663)

ref. ID; 1923

Mostly in psammon and Sphagnum. Includes species formerly placed in Encentrum. (ref. ID; 1923)
  1. Wierzejskiella ambigua (Tzschaschel, 1979) nov. comb. (ref. ID; 2019)
    Syn; Encentrum ambiguum Tzschaschel, 1979 (ref. ID; 2019)
  2. Wierzejskiella elongata (Wiszniewski, 1932) (ref. ID; 1345, 2019, 3688)
    Syn; Diglena elongata Glascott, 1893 (ref. ID; 3688) after Wiszniewski (1935), non after Voigt, 1957 (ref. ID; 2019); Encentrum elongata Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 1345, 3688); Encentrum elongatum Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 2019); Encentrum lineatum Tzschaschel, 1979 (ref. ID; 2019); Wierzejskiella elongata (Wiszniewski, 1934) (ref. ID; 1345) or 1932 (ref. ID; 3130)
  3. Wierzejskiella fluviatilis Neiswestnowa-Shadina, 1935
    See; Wierzejskiella velox (ref. ID; 2019, 3688)
  4. Wierzejskiella marina Remane, 1949 (ref. ID; 1345, 2019)
    See; Encentrum wierzejskii (ref. ID; 3130)
    Syn; Encentrum wierzejskii Tzschaschel, 1979 (ref. ID; 2019)
  5. Wierzejskiella ricciae (Harring, 1913) (ref. ID; 1345, 1832, 1923) or 1914 (ref. ID; 2019)
    Syn; Encentrum ricciae Harring, 1913 (ref. ID; 1345) or 1914 (ref. ID; 2019); Wierzejskiella ricciae (Harring, 1934) (ref. ID; 1345)
  6. Wierzejskiella sabulosa (Wiszniewski, 1932) (ref. ID; 1345, 2019, 3688)
    Syn; Encentrum sabulosa Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 2019, 3688); Encentrum sabulosum Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 1345) Wierzejskiella sabulosa (Wiszniewski, 1934) (ref. ID; 1345, 2019)
  7. Wierzejskiella subterranea Remane, 1949 (ref. ID; 1345, 2019)
  8. Wierzejskiella vagneri Koniar, 1955 (ref. ID; 2019)
  9. Wierzejskiella velox (Wiszniewski, 1932) (ref. ID; 1345, 2019, 2266, 3688) reported author and year? (ref. ID; 3413)
    Syn; Encentrum velox Wiszniewski, 1935 (ref. ID; 1345) or 1932 (ref. ID; 2019, 3688); Wierzejskiella fluviatilis Neiswestnowa-Shadina, 1935 (ref. ID; 2019, 3688)

Wierzejskiella ricciae (Harring, 1913) (ref. ID; 1345, 1832, 1923) or 1914 (ref. ID; 2019)


Encentrum ricciae Harring, 1913 (ref. ID; 1345) or 1914 (ref. ID; 2019); Wierzejskiella ricciae (Harring, 1934) (ref. ID; 1345)


It was originally described from decaying aquatic Hepaticae (Riccia sp.). This shows the characteristic manubria with bifurcate anterior ends, grasping the rami somewhat anterior to the external angles. Tips of rami with two acute teeth each. Posterior part of intramallei with slender, acute projection. Rami with small knob-like alulae. Fulcrum trifid posteriorly, slender in lateral view. (ref. ID; 1832)


Trophi length 28; ramus 13; fulcrum 10-11, manubrium 22, uncus 10, intramalleus 6 µm. (ref. ID; 1832)