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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Microcodon Ehrenberg, 1830

ref. ID; 1663

Foot very long, about half of total length. A single toe. Corona flat and circular. Mastax forcipate. Body length 200 µm long. Single species found mostly littoral, but may be in plankton. (ref. ID; 1663)
  1. Microcodon clavus (Ehrenberg, 1830) (ref. ID; 2994, 3688, 7846) or 1838 (ref. ID; 2281, 2932)
  2. Microcodon chlavus (Ehrenberg, 1830) (ref. ID; 1345, 1663, 1923)
  3. Microcodon robustus Glasscott, 1893
    See; Pleurotrocha robusta (ref. ID; 2017, 3245)

Microcodon clavus (Ehrenberg, 1830) (ref. ID; 2994, 3688, 7846) or 1838 (ref. ID; 2281, 2932)


The ganglion was very large and apparently of a purple colour, but Mr. Kurt Wulfert, of Bad Lauchstadt, has, in a private communication, stated that he has found that it is the epipharynx which is purple, and that the posterior part of the mastax is a bright yellow. (ref. ID; 2281)


Length of body 127; foot 20; toe 37; diameter of ganglion 20; length of rami 32; length of fulcrum 23 µm. (ref. ID; 2281)