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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Elosa Lord, 1891

ref. ID; 1663

Lorica composed of a single cylindrical piece, trilobate in section and with a crescentic opening posteriorly on the left side. Trophi asymmetrical. (ref. ID; 1663)

ref. ID; 1923

A large cerebral eye and a small frontal eye. Common in psammon and Sphagnum. (ref. ID; 1923)
  1. Elosa spinifera Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 1345) or 1934 (ref. ID; 3411)
    Syn; Elosa woralli spinifera Wiszniewski, 1932 (ref. ID; 1345)
  2. Elosa woralli Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 1345), worallii Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 7846), worralli Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 1663, 3688), worrallii Lord (ref. ID; 3208)

Elosa woralli Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 1345), worallii Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 7846), worralli Lord, 1891 (ref. ID; 1663, 3688), worrallii Lord (ref. ID; 3208)


A very small species easily overlooked but nearly always present, and frequently abundant, in Sphagnum bogs and acid waters generally. James Murray (1911) refers to is "bizarre optic arrangement; one eye on the side of its nose and the other in the back of its neck" (i.e. one asymmetric frontal eye and one median cervical eye). (ref. ID; 3208)