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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Tectonchus Tsalolichin, 1974 (ref. ID; 5938)

Family Mononchidae (ref. ID; 5938)

ref. ID; 5938


Buccal cavity barrel shaped, dorsal tooth in anterior half of cavity, apex directed forward and opposed by two small denticles. Two teeth, smaller than dorsal, located at base of buccal cavity. Esophagointestinal junction tuberculate. Female didelphic. Tails of both sexes similar, elongate with club-shaped posterior area. Caudal glands and terminal duct present. Male spicules long and slender. (ref. ID; 5938)

Type species

Tectonchus absconditus Tsalolichin, 1974 (ref. ID; 5938)
  1. Tectonchus chingishan Tsalolichin, 1975 (ref. ID; 5938)
  2. Tectonchus kirjanovae Tsalolichin, 1975 (ref. ID; 5938)
  3. Tectonchus machairodus Tsalolichin, 1975 (ref. ID; 5938)