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The World of Protozoa, Rotifera, Nematoda and Oligochaeta


Nothotylenchus Throne

Nothotylenchinae (ref. ID; 7638)

ref. ID; 1923

Median esophageal bulb (metacorpus) much reduced, valve not apparent. (A moderate-size genus, about 10 species of fungivorous forms) (ref. ID; 1923)

ref. ID; 6153

Fungivores. (ref. ID; 6153)
  1. Nothotylenchus alli Khan and Siddiqi, 1968 (ref. ID; 7638)
  2. Nothotylenchus indicus Saxena, Chhabra & Joshi (ref. ID; 7638 original paper)

Nothotylenchus indicus Saxena, Chhabra & Joshi (ref. ID; 7638 original paper)

Diagnosis and relationship

Nothotylenchus indicus n. sp. comes close to N. alli Khan and Siddiqi, 1968 but differs from it in having a more posteriorly located excretory pore, finer body striations and a tail with finely acute terminus. (ref. ID; 7638)


  • Female: On killing with hot water, the eelworm assumes ventrally arcuate shape. Body tapering at both the end. Cuticle finely striated. Lateral field 3/5th of the body width with 4 involutions in mid-body region. The latter originate in level with the metacorpus and terminate slightly posterior to the anus. Lip region not set-off, rounded. Spear 8 µm long with weakly developed knobs opening at dorsal oesophageal gland near base of the spear. Oesophagus with short procorpus, a fusiform valveless metacorpus, an isthmus and a priform basal oesophageal bulb set-off from the intestine by a definite constriction. Excretory pore near the base of oesophagus. Hemizonid slightly anterior to the excretory pore. Vulva as the transverse slit on a slight protuberance of the body. Vagina extending 1/3 up to the body width. Gonads monodelphic, prodelphic with oocytes arranged in a single row in the zone of multiplication. Post-uterine sac 6 times the anal body width. Phasmids slightly posterior to anus. (ref. ID; 7638)
  • Male: Not found. (ref. ID; 7638)

    Type habitat and locality

    Collected from the soil around the roots of peach trees, Prunus persica Stokes at Amritsar (Pujab). (ref. ID; 7638)

    Type material

    Holotype female mounted in glycerine on slide. No. Nem. 5 deposited with the Department of Zoology-Entomology, P.A.U. Ludhiana, India; paratypes with the authors. (ref. ID; 7638)


  • Holotype (female): L=0.64 mm, a=32, b=6, c=7, V=76, spear 8 µm. (ref. ID; 7638)
  • Paratypes (female n=4): L=0.5-0.64(0.58) mm, a=30-32(31), b=5-6(5.5), c=6.5-7.0(6.6), V=74-76(75), spear 8-9(8.4) µm. (ref. ID; 7638)